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电子邮箱 E-mail :hb.chen@visotticacomotec.cn
参展公司介绍 Company’s Description:
VISOTTICA创建1947年,从2010年开始收购COMOTEC至今,已经发展为全球领先的眼镜金属配件供应商•集团提供丰富的产品应用于各种眼镜:金属眼镜,板材眼镜,注塑眼镜,木材眼镜等其他材料眼镜,产品涵盖标准配件和应客户需求开发的定制配件。VISOTTICA GROUP凭借集团内部多技术融合优势为客户定制产品提供了丰富的选择。CNC,锣切,冲压,精密铸造及MIM 等多工艺的运用及结合确保提供最佳解决方案以满足客户的需求•成熟和稳定的工艺广泛应用于铰链(弹弓铰链和普通铰链),桩头,中梁,装饰配件及镜臂(弹弓和普通镜臂)等产品•集团可以提供白铜,不锈钢,钛材料及其他合金材料产品,新材料的研究和探索也不断地应用于新的开发中。塑胶产品部分依托于丰富和精密的设计,可以为客户提供清晰及准确的Logo设计及生产以完美地展现品牌价值。VISOTTICA GROUP坚持全面服务客户的理念贯穿于产品生成的每一个阶段,从产品概念,设计,工程研发,手办到产品形成,我们始终坚持以合作者的姿态提供最优的服务和支持。VISOTTICA GROUP的标准产品目录内提供了大量解决方案和产品选择(弹弓铰链,普通铰链,铜针,镜臂,螺丝,螺母,托叶和烟斗),用以满足常规眼镜开发中的技术和外观需求。标准产品可以根据市场预测建立仓存用以缩短交货时间和提供快速及灵活的服务,同时规模化的生产降低了生产成本以确保公司及产品具备竞争力和维持集团市场领先地位。
Since, 1947, Visottica Group has been a market leader in the production of components for eyewear and more. With a reactive structure that responds to the need for flexibility, it combines design expertise and creativity with the most advanced technology. Specialists in this field, with thorough knowledge of the various processes, can optimize implementation and delivery worldwide, thanks to its facilities located in the relevant markets, Asia and Europe. From the small-scale supply to the production of 1 billion pieces each year, managing over 50 international patents. The strong Italian heritage combined with the multicultural approach make Visottica Group a dynamic and creative company with an international vision. O’Reilly Industrial Ltd, since 2010, is the holding company of the industrial activities in China and distribution company of the Visottica Group in Asia.
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来利眼镜 Visottica Group